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Letting Go: The Key to Speeding Up Your Manifestation

One of the biggest turning points in my manifestation process was realizing that so many of my limiting beliefs were because I hadn’t fully let go of two things:

1. My old dreams, relationships and beliefs.

2. The outcome/exactly how I would get what I wanted to manifest.

Both of these things were holding me back and causing countless limiting beliefs to form that energetically pushed the life I was trying to call in further away from me. I was trying to manifest change, call in the life I had always imagined for myself but nothing was working. So today, I wanted to go deeper into why letting go is one of the most powerful aspects of my manifestation method and how to do it.

What do you need to release to create space for the life you're working towards? I ask myself this question all the time, especially when I feel stuck and it can truly be life-changing. By clearing out physical space or cutting ties with people who drain your energy. You can begin to make room for growth by letting go of what’s holding you back, both mentally and emotionally.

I’ve been through the highs and lows of trying to create the life I want. One major revelation for me was realizing that letting go is essential—not just for peace of mind but in order to clear the path for what I really wanted to manifest in my life. When you make space, you make room for new possibilities, ideas, connections, synchronicities and opportunities to show up.

When Holding On Slows You Down

When I was growing up, I dreamed of being a model and working in the fashion industry. It was something that just really wasn’t mine. I had a lot of “almost moments” like booking a runway show and then rolling my ankle just before the show. Or being on hold for an overseas campaign and rushing to get my passport renewed only to just miss out to the other person on hold at the last minute. 

That’s just one example but there were many. I held onto relationships that didn’t serve me, even toxic ones for no reason, I held onto jobs that underpaid and treated me terribly because they felt “safe”, I kept up habits that were causing immense stress to my body and mind because they were meant to be “healthy”.

Why Letting Go Matters

There’s a psychological and almost energetic shift that happens when you decide to let go. When you hold onto the past, your mind is busy replaying old stories which leads you to repeat old habits and routines leaving no energetic space or mental bandwidth to entertain new ideas. By choosing to let go, you signal to yourself and to the world that you’re ready for something better. 

On a neurological level, our brains are wired for survival, not happiness. We cling to what’s familiar because it feels safe. This is why people always talk about the benefits of going just beyond your comfort zone when calling in success. By consciously letting go of what no longer serves us as well as the outcome of what we’re working on, we can rewire our minds to focus on opportunities and aligned action. We begin to be excited about the infinite possibilities of our manifestation materializing rather  than fear of the unknown. This opens the door to creativity, problem-solving, and quicker manifestation.

Moving Beyond Control

One of the biggest obstacles I faced was my need to control every outcome. I believed that things had to unfold in a specific way for me to succeed. This is also one of the most common messages I get from the MTM community about manifestation. It’s easy to get fixated on one specific vision you have of your dreams, goals and aspirations coming to you, but real freedom and growth came when I started to trust that things would work out, even if they didn’t follow my plan. I began to meditate much more on the feelings I wanted to manifest rather than the material things I thought would bring me those feelings and what ended up manifesting for me was far better than anything I would have visualized if I tried!

Letting go of the need to control doesn’t mean you stop caring about what happens. It means you trust that things can and will unfold in a way that's best for you, even if it's different from what you expected. Even if parts of your life have to change or even fall apart. Trust is one of the most important aspects aside from taking action. Once I let go of trying to dictate every step, I found that opportunities flowed more easily, and life became less stressful. 

Some of my favorite affirmations for this process are;  “I can control what I can control” and “I have everything, I need nothing.”

How to Start Letting Go

If you're ready to make room for better things or even just feel blocked in your manifestation process letting go might be the answer for you. Here are some steps to help you start letting go:

1. Reflect on What No Longer Fits: Take a moment to journal about what you’re holding onto that doesn’t align with where you want to go. This could be a belief, a relationship, or even a goal that no longer resonates with you. The easiest way to do this is to think of things/people/experiences/conversations/social media posts that have been frustrating you recently and ask yourself if there’s something you can let go of within that situation.

2. Question Your Beliefs: Our beliefs often limit us more than anything else. It’s a healthy exercise to question yourself regularly. Especially if it’s a deeply ingrained belief that you find yourself arguing or becoming defensive about. Ask yourself if these beliefs still hold true or if they were borrowed from someone else's expectations, past experiences or external influences. Begin to adopt beliefs that support your current goals and aspirations instead.

3. Embrace Not Knowing: It’s okay not to have all the answers. Allow yourself to be open to the unknown and see it as a space of endless possibilities. Focus on what you can control, take action on that, keep your frequency high and trust that everything else will align.

4. Create a Ritual: Whether it’s journaling, a simple meditation, or a symbolic act like decluttering your workspace, find a way to mark the act of letting go. You could do a cord cutting meditation, write down what you’re releasing on paper and bury or burn it (safely), whatever feels right to you. This creates a physical and emotional acknowledgment of your decision to move forward. I love to do this during the full moon!

5. Visualize the Space for New Opportunities: Instead of clinging to specific outcomes, focus on how you want to feel. Imagine yourself thriving, happy, and successful, and let the details work themselves out. Allow yourself to feel the relief of not needing to control every detail and just keep moving positively, taking aligned action towards your goals. I love to use affirmations to reinforce this mindset, like, “Everything is always working out for me and I’m always in the right place at the right time”. - Abraham Hicks

Why Creating Space is Powerful

Letting go is about making space—space for new thoughts, ideas, and possibilities. When you release what’s no longer serving you, you invite in what will. You’re essentially saying, “I’m ready for what’s next.” And that’s a powerful place to be. 

Don’t Burn Energetic Bridges

Whenever you’re letting go of someone, something, beliefs, habits, feelings anything—Always take a moment to feel gratitude for it. This can be incredibly difficult but it is absolutely essential to ensure that you are ready to accept the energy of the new. If there’s nothing to feel grateful for, just feel grateful for the lessons your learned and the strength, growth and resilience you gained from it.

Take Action

So here’s what I want you to consider: What can you let go of to make room for the life you’re trying to create? Whether it’s a limiting belief, an outdated goal, bad habits, or an unfulfilling relationship, trust that by releasing it, you’re making way for something better.

To help guide you on exactly how to manifest and then let go, I've created a new meditation called

 "Place Your Order," available on the MODE the METHOD platform. It’s designed to help you manifest with ease by guiding you through the process of placing your order with the universe,  letting go of the outcome and opening up to new possibilities. If you’re ready to shift your life, start by making space.

Remember, sometimes the quickest way to get where you’re going is to let go of where you’ve been.

Sending so much love and happiness your way,


Steph Flockhart


Q: Why is letting go crucial for manifestation?  

A: Letting go creates the space needed for new opportunities to enter your life. Holding onto old beliefs and habits can prevent you from seeing new possibilities.

Q: How can I start letting go?

A: Begin by identifying what no longer aligns with your goals, challenge your limiting beliefs, and embrace the uncertainty of not knowing the exact outcome. 

Q: Does letting go mean I stop caring about my goals?  

A: Not at all. Letting go means trusting that things will work out, often in ways better than you can imagine. It’s about aligning with what’s best for you.

Q: Is there a spiritual component to letting go?

A: Yes, letting go involves trusting in a higher power or the natural flow of life. It’s about surrendering control and believing that things will align as they should.


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